
发布日期: 2012-09-21 发布者: 星宴海鲜酒家 浏览次数: 2275
Unique Banquet Season Set
敬送項目(15席以上)King sent more than 15 seats patronsthe following items:
◇ 禮堂佈置(中式或西式) Hall layout (Chinese or Western);
◇ 氣球彩帶,花柱拱門Balloon ribbon, style arches;
◇ 免費提供請柬每席8套Free invitations 8 sets per table;
◇ 多層蛋糕壹座(供拍攝用) One multi-layer cake, Block (for location use);
◇ 簽到台佈置,嘉賓提名冊Reception table arrangements, guest signature book;
◇ 音響設備,100寸大銀幕投影Free audio equipment, 100-inch big screen projection
◇ 席前糖果瓜子Candy seeds before;
◇ 進場禮炮4響Salyut 4 ring approach;
◇ 免收自來酒水開瓶費Drinks free of uninvited corkage;
套餐選項Package Options:
◇ 浓情密意宴    Great tenderness between lovers                               ¥1988/席
◇ 花好月圆宴    Bloming flowers and full moon                                     ¥2680/席
◇ 龙凤呈祥宴    Prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix     ¥3388/席
◇ 美满同心宴    Perfectly satisfactory with one heart                           ¥3988/席
◇ 百年好合宴    A harmonious union lasting a hundred years              ¥4988/席
来星宴办酒席,让我们为您筹划一个《星级的婚宴》, 咨询电话29093388。


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